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Rod Gilchrist, President/CEO, 310 Shaw Rd., Unit H, South San Francisco, CA 94080
rod@123-Awards.com | http://www.123-Awards.com | 888.805.7253

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Did You Know?

79% of people who leave their jobs cite a lack of appreciation as a key reason.
Society for Human Resource Management Study

The average cost of replacing an employee is 150% of their annual compensation.
-- Insight, a CPA Magazine

In Testimony

I just wanted to let you know that I received the plaque we ordered today and was more than impressed. I have to admit, the price was so low that I thought the plaque may look cheap or would take a long time to come in, but was happily proven otherwise. The plaque looks beautiful and we received it in more than enough time. We will continue to use your services from now on.

Thanks very much,
Amy Wykle

Contact Us
Looking for a little help on your recognition program? Or maybe you'd like some advice on what kind of product will best work for you. You can call us toll free at 888.805.7253 (weekdays 7a.m. - 4:30 Pacific) or via email at sales@123-Awards.com. We will be happy to help with whatever we can.